W-2? Woo hoo!

Most people seem to hate taxes. Or at least there seems to be an understanding that tax season is a stressful time in America for anyone with any kind of income or assets. Personally, I love tax season. My first W-2 of the season arrived in my mailbox today bringing with it the promise of a sizable deposit in my bank account in a few short weeks. I could not wait to get inside and start filling out my return. Truthfully, I had already started itemizing deductions weeks ago and have just been waiting for the W-2 forms to start rolling in.

I know that it’s a long form to fill out and that there are confusing terms and they always seem to ask for that one form that is nowhere to be found but these days there is great tax software to guide you through and things like Google if you need back up. And as you see the amount on the tax refund estimator slowly creep up, it all becomes worth it. And besides, like Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. one said, “I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.” And shoes.


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